When it comes to consuming magic mushrooms, the most popular method that people use is by chewing them up and swallowing them. However, some people don’t like the taste or texture of mushrooms. Do you have to chew shrooms? Look at other ways to consume them!


  • There are several ways to consume magic mushrooms, and they all have their pros and cons.
  • The most popular method that people use is by chewing them up and swallowing them.
  • However, some people don’t like the taste or texture of mushrooms.
  • Powdering shrooms in a coffee grinder or with a mortar and pestle is an easy way to prepare your shrooms.
  • Making tea from mushrooms is a delicious and effective way to consume psychedelic drugs.
  • Making chocolate bars from magic mushrooms is super easy, and you don’t have to chew!

What Are Magic Mushrooms?

The term “magic mushrooms” refers to a wide range of mushrooms that have hallucinogenic properties. These mushrooms contain the psychoactive compound psilocybin. Do you have to chew shrooms?

Do You Have to Chew Shrooms?

No, you don’t! There are several ways to consume mushrooms, and they all have their pros and cons. Here’s a quick run-down of the most common methods.

See also:  What Do Shrooms Taste Like? All About Magic Mushroom Taste

Eat Them Raw

The most obvious way is to eat the shrooms raw. Whilst this does save you time in preparation, it can be a revolting experience for some people. Do you have to chew shrooms? If the taste is too much for you, then you might want to consider trying one of the following methods.

Kitchen Helper Spice Grinder 2”

Powdering Shrooms

Powder your shrooms in a coffee grinder or with a mortar and pestle. This has to be the easiest way to prepare your shrooms. Simply grind them up into a fine powder, which can then be added to any food or drink. The active ingredients in mushrooms are fat soluble, but grinding them up releases these into water as well as fats.

This means that if you have ground up your mushies in some water, then you should be able to get everything out of them after an hour or so. You can add some lemon juice to help extract the psilocybin from the mushrooms into the water.

MPRUIU Alien UFO Grinder 2.5″

do you have to chew shrooms or not


You can also take magic mushrooms in the form of capsules. Encapsulating is a great way to make sure you are getting an accurate dosage and to avoid any unpleasant taste. It’s also more convenient for people who don’t have access to fresh shrooms or dried powder.

Make Tea From Fresh or Dry Shrooms

If you need something tasty to mask the taste of magic mushrooms, then we recommend adding them to hot foods and drinks like tea. Making tea from mushrooms is a delicious and effective way to consume psychedelic drugs. It’s also a simple process that anyone can do at home.

Morphing Mugs Rick and Morty – Space Cruiser

Place your mushrooms in the teapot or mug and add hot water. Let the mushroom steep in the water for 10–15 minutes. You can steep for longer to increase the intensity of the effects. Pour the tea through a strainer or tea bag into your cup and enjoy!

See also:  Magic Mushroom Coffee – Psilocybin Coffee (and Tea) for Wellness

Wondering what do shrooms taste like? Check it out!

Shroom Chocolate

Do you have to chew shrooms? No! Making magic mushroom chocolate bars is probably the best way to ingest magic mushrooms for a beginner. It’s super easy, and you don’t have to chew!

ways to consume shrooms

It’s no secret that magic mushrooms taste awful. Consuming them orally is never a pleasant experience, especially if you’re trying to take a large dose.

With chocolate bars, you can easily divide your dosage into multiple pieces. This makes it super easy to microdose on an empty stomach without feeling nausea or having to eat a bunch of disgusting mushies.

4 Pieces Mushroom Chocolate Mold

So, there you go, folks. Still asking the same question? Do you have to chew shrooms? Now you know. For more creative methods, check encapsulating and snorting. Bye!

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